Kat Dalager

Creative Wrangler @ smollworld, Inc

Currently the Vice President of smollworld, Inc., Kat’s marketing career has spanned nearly four decades. Previous leadership positions include Minneapolis in-house agencies at General Mills, LifeTime Fitness, Target and Best Buy, plus advertising agencies Campbell Mithun, Carmichael Lynch and The Martin Agency in Richmond, VA.

She’s a Past President of AdFed MN and a current and past volunteer for a diverse array of organizations such as ASMP, AIGA, The Women’s Foundation of MN, Stevie Ray’s Improv Company, See Change, MCTC, Dunwoody, Nucleus Clinic, Hypnic Jerk Theater, The Art Shanty Project, MN Fashion and The Minnesota Center for Photography.

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“Up the Food Chain” Managing Your Creative Career for Growth

Apr 10, 2018 @ 5:30PM - 8:30PM

Learn from top professionals in the marketing, advertising and design industry about nurturing and growing your career.